Introduction to Algorand

The Algorand platform and its ALGO token are being promoted by developers as the foundation for a future "borderless economy" that balances decentralization, scalability, and security without compromising each of these metrics.

What is Algorand?

Technically, this is an attempt to solve the already classic "blockchain trilemma", which states that decentralization, scalability and security cannot be effectively combined within one platform. At least one of these components will need to be trimmed to fit the needs of the others. In other words, a large and powerful decentralized platform will almost always have security and scalability issues. Actually, the Algorand project was launched as a refutation of this trilemma. It happened in June 2019, and the goal was announced to promote a decentralized digital economy based on the following parameters:

Algorand's philosophy is based on the concept of “democratic user participation”. Instead of the widespread PoW consensus algorithm, which is used in the Bitcoin blockchain and many other popular cryptocurrencies, the platform uses its own "modified" Proof-of-Stake, as well as self-verification transactions.

The project is based in Boston, and its founder, Silvio Micali, is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Turing Prize laureate (analogous to the Nobel Prize in computing). In addition to him, a well-coordinated team of experts and researchers in the field of blockchain technologies is working on the project. In June 2019, the project's shares went public sale, experienced a short-term excitement and eventually stabilized. The Algorand Foundation, which is responsible for the financial component of the project, reported that the sales raised about 60 million US dollars.

What does this platform do?

The project has set itself a number of goals that are based on the successful implementation of its concepts and technologies. They are as follows:

How does the Algorand protocol work?

It is based on Byzantine fault tolerance based on the Pure Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm. In addition, it has several features that differentiate it from similar projects:

How does Pure Proof of Stake work?

Unlike classical PoS, this system is not based on large fines for incorrect or malicious confirmation, but on making any malicious actions of the minority in principle impractical.

The owners of a large number of assets are the only ones who can actually prevent someone from making transactions. But it is not beneficial for them to act maliciously, as this will result in the loss of assets if the deception or error is revealed. And if they try to do this, they will damage the reputation of the entire platform, which will immediately affect the universality and value of ALGO tokens. So the advantage from appropriation of other people's funds is leveled by their almost total depreciation.

Also "pure PoS" implies substitutability of users and lack of communication between them. To complete the block certification procedure, you need a specially generated user key. However, attackers cannot know who exactly will become the next verifier in order to steal his data in advance. And when it becomes known, there will be no time left for illegal actions, and nothing can be done with the already verified block, even if there is a key.

Other technologies and capabilities of ALGO

In addition to the existing functions, the developers promise to introduce new ones that will achieve the following:

As of September 2019, Algorand had a market cap of $ 113 million (up from 156 million in August 2019). And there are about 291 million tokens in free circulation out of the planned supply of 2.8 billion.